Virtuous Cat

I like inspiring people to travel. My professional background is in the travel industry and therefore I harbour strong affections to all the awareness travel can bring into our everyday life. You know, the beautiful geography of natural quirks and phenomenons, the arts and crafts and the origins of pretty things, and all that wonderful history that may or may not repeat itself, if we care to learn from it. 

Although I am a bit wary of pure idealism, of what it actually represents and of where it could lead you, I still think that natural curiosity should not be confined or dictated by the mainstream opinions. Media outlets feed us a constant stream of Top 10's. Everything gets picked and stacked for us in order of the best and the worst: destinations, sights, museums, hotels, beaches, airports, airlines, airline foods, restaurants, pubs, parks, window views, toilets and the list goes on and on. 

What terrifies me is the possibility of reverse psychology and people being disillusioned by those one-dimensional views. The bottom line is, regardless of how many lists or guide books you've read and how many travel shows you've seen, nothing beats the experience. And I know I'm not the only one thinking that the experience is what counts.

For a slightly different and a whole lot more relaxed take on the gratifying pleasures of travel,  I'm inviting you to visit and read my travelogue: Virtuous Cat Among The Pigeons

Hope you'll like it and get inspired!

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